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Mens Kilt Casual Boots

If we talking about traditional Scottish outfit, the two most essential elements of the Scottish outfit which is must to be discussed here. The Scottish kilt outfit is incomplete without these two important elements. The finishing elements of the kilt outfits are the kilt socks and Mens Kilt Casual Boots.

These kilt accessories are the finishing part of the kilt outfit. The kilt hose and Mens Kilt Casual Boots provides comfort. Our company has beautiful designs of kilt shoes and kilt hose to our customers. The Mens Kilt Casual Boots are the boots to wear with a kilt. These boots to wear with a kilt are mostly Ghillie shoes and brogue. However, we will discuss more about which boots to wear with a kilt in the later paragraph.

What is Kilt Hose?

The kilt hose is also called as kilt socks. These are the pair of socks which are worn below the knee. These kilt socks are longer size socks unlike traditional short socks. These kilt hoses or kilt socks are specially designed for highlanders. If you are not familiar with the kilt socks, you must wear the regular socks with your outfit.

Kilt socks not only wear like regular socks but you can decorate the kilt socks with the tartan or cotton flashes. The kilt socks with flashes are the necessary combination in the Scottish kilt outfit.


The kilt socks are available in variety of colors. The most wearable kilt socks for Scottish kilt outfit are black and white. These are the common kilt socks for wedding ceremonies and other events. The other colors available in our Kilt store are green, blue, purple, orange and yellow. Our Scottish kilt company can also make kilt socks or kilt hose according to your required colors. We have professional kilt socks maker who can also make customized kilt hose according to your requirements.


Our kilt hose is made of wool and cotton blends. These are durable kilt hoses which provides extra comfort when you wear them. These kilt hoses provides warmth and has breath-ability for formal and informal wear.

Authentic look

The two accessories for kilt stockings that increase the beauty of the kilt hose are kilt flashes and Sgian dubh. These accessories always worn with hose socks. The kilt flashes are mostly made with tartan, wool or tweed and it is the necessary accessory for the Scottish wedding. A sgian dubh is a small knife which is used by Scottish people. The half part of the Sgian dubh is hide behind the hose socks. So, besides kilt and boots, sgian dubh is also very important

Sizes Available

The kilt stockings or kilt hose is available in every size. These bigger Scottish socks are available for kids, teenagers and adults. The socks kilt depends on the foot size. If you don’t know your foot size then you can measure with the standard measuring tape. Only foot measurement is required for the accurate socks kilt.

What socks to wear with a kilt?

There are various questions comes into the mind of the kilt wearer. The common questions are what socks to wear with a kilt? What socks worn with kilts? What socks to wear with kilts? There is no hard rule for wearing the kilt and socks. You can wear any color Scottish socks according to your likeness. These is no restriction in UK, USA and Canada for wearing kilt hose socks.

As we discussed above, the most popular and widely used kilt hose socks are black and white. People wear white socks and black makes a perfect Scotsman.

Some people loves to wear matching socks, kilt and boots in weddings. If there kilt color is red then they would like to wear red kilt hose and other matching tartan accessories.

Tartan hose

In this paragraph, we will discussed in detail about tartan socks or tartan kilt hose. The tartan kilt hose is the kilt hose for kilt wearer made with the tartan fabric. These tartan socks are available in both 13oz and 16oz fabric. The major use tartan kilt hose are in wedding ceremonies or special events but it must be wear with the full Scottish outfit.

The tartan kilt hose do not be wearer only with the kilt. Furthermore, the kilt wearer should use the same tartan on kilt, flashes, Sporrans, hoses and other accessories. The same tartan outfit increases your personality in front of the huge gathering of people. Wear white socks and other color socks are also good, so it is up to you.

The above paragraphs solves your problem about kilt socks hose. Now you can know socks for kilts and kilt outfit. Like Scottish kilt, Jacket and Sporran, the kilt socks hose also plays important role. For newbies, you can now understand what type of socks for kilts are best.

Mens Kilt Casual Boots & Kilt Socks

Brown Ghillie Brogues


Mens Kilt Casual Boots & Kilt Socks

Ghillie Brogues Boots


Mens Kilt Casual Boots & Kilt Socks

Leather Kilt Shoes


Mens Kilt Casual Boots & Kilt Socks

Light Brown Ghillie Brogues


Mens Kilt Casual Boots & Kilt Socks

Scottish Brogues Boot


Mens Kilt Casual Boots & Kilt Socks

Black Kilt Hose


Mens Kilt Casual Boots & Kilt Socks

White Kilt Hose


Mens Kilt Casual Boots & Kilt Socks

Green Kilt Hose


Mens Kilt Casual Boots & Kilt Socks

Tartan Ghillie Brogues


Mens kilt casual boots- Ghillie Brogues:

The mens kilt casual boots are Ghillie brogues which are widely wearable in Scotland, USA, Germany, France and other developed countries. The Ghillie brogues are the primary mens kilt casual boots which every Scottish wears. These Ghillie brogues are premium quality shoes which are made with the real leather.

What is Scotland Brouge or Ghillie brogue? (kilt boots)

We understand about the socks for kilts, now we have to understand hose shoe for the kilt. The hose shoe is called Scotland Brouge or Ghillie brogue. These are the shoes worn with kilts. The Scotland Brouge is used in the Scotland but the overall name of the shoes kilt is Ghillie brogue. The Scotland Brouge is the traditional shoes kilt which has long laces. The casual men boots has short laces which are commonly used with any outfit but with kilt outfit the shoes worn with kilts must have long laces. The long laces of ghillie shoes tied around the ankle. These ghillie shoes are stylish and perfect for Scottish attire. Furthermore, the ghillie shoes are made in the high quality leather. That leather is obtained from the animal skin, so these ghillie brogue shoes are long lasting shoes.

Where to wear Scottish shoes?

These ghillie brogue shoes are perfect for wedding but you can wear these Scottish shoes at highland games or at important meetings. These kilt shoes gives you a gentleman look. It is one of the essential element of the kilt accessories.

Which color is best of the kilt shoes?

The kilt shoes are made in black and brown leather. These are common leather colors for making the Scottish kilt shoes. You can find only two common colors in every kilt shop i.e., black and brown. The tartan ghillies shoes are also being worn nowadays. These ghillies shoes are made with the tartan, wool and tweed fabric. Our company recommend you to wear leather ghillie brogues shoes every time because these are more durable then tartan shoes.

Which material is used for making ghillie brogues shoes?

Our company makes tartan kilt shoes but we mostly made ghillie style shoes with leather fabric. The leather fabric is real, not china leather i.e., PU leather. Our ghillie style shoes specialist purchase real leather which is obtained from the animal skin.

What boots to wear with a kilt?

This is another common question which is come into the mind of the kilt wearer. The best boots to wear with a kilt are the Scotland Brouge or ghillie shoes. These mens kilt casual boots are the most wearable shoes to wear with kilt in Scotland, USA, France and other major countries. Without these Ghillie shoes for a kilt, the kilt outfit is incomplete. If you only want a shoes to wear with kilt then you can wear. There is no restriction for wearing mens kilt casual boots with only kilt. So, brouge or ghillie shoes are the recommended boots to wear with a kilt.

What are the shoes from Scotland?

The shoes from Scotland are the Scotland brouge which are often worn in Scotland. These are same as Ghillie shoes but terminology is different. These shoes for kilt wear are widely used in all cities of the Scotland as these are the symbolic Ghillie shoes for kilt wear.

Ghillie shoes womens

Like kilt and boots for men, the kilts and ghillie shoes womens are also widely wearable. The main kilt and boots wearing countries for women are Scotland, USA, France, Canada, Germany and Finland. Women in these countries loves to wear Scottish attire specially ladies ghillie shoes and kilt socks. The ladies ghillie shoes or ghillie shoes women's are made with the real leather like mens kilt boots.

The professional women's ghillie shoes maker makes the ghillie shoes women's according to the trading standards. So, if you are living in these countries then you will surely get high-quality shoes for a kilt. Like kilt boots men's the women shoes for kilts also larger in size. These women shoes for kilts have long laces.

There is no need to wear these Scotland brouge with Scottish attire. These kilt boots to wear with kilts at any event. There are also some common questions about shoes for a kilt comes into the mind for the kilt women that

What shoes to wear with a kilt?
Which kilt boots to wear with a kilt?
What shoes do you wear with a kilt?
Which shoes to wear with a kilt?
What are the best shoes for kilts?
What are the affordable shoes for a kilt?
Which Scottish shoes for kilts are easy to wear?

Well, the answer of all these questions are same. It depends on the choice and likeness of the women. Many women buy those ghillie shoes which have short laces. Some buy tartan kilt hose, so its all depends on your taste.

Buy From UK Kilt

Our kilt company have high quality mens kilt casual boots, women ghillie shoes and kilt socks for our customers. You don't need to go anywhere. Buy all these kilt accessories with just few mouse clicks. Shop now.